
姓 名:王治厅

职 称:副教授

研究方向:平流层传输过程,大气对流云,地基 FTIR 遥感



1 2018.1-至今, 兰州大学, 大气科学学院, 副教授

2 2016.12-2017.5, 不莱梅大学, 环境物理研究所, 博士后


国家自然科学基金委员会,国家自然科学基金青年项目,41805030, 2019.01-2021.12, 25 万元, 在研,主持。

兰州大学中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金项目, lzujbky-2018-5, 热带地区深对流过程的研究, 2018/01-2019/12, 10 万元,已结题,主持。



(1) Zhiting Wang*, Nils Hase, Justus Notholt, Bart Dils, Mariele Saunois, Thorsten Warneke, Wenshou Tian (2020). Diagnosing mixing properties in model simulations for CH4 in the stratosphere. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 125.

(2) Zhiting Wang* (2020). A Method for a Direct Measure of Entrainment and Detrainment, Mon. Wea. Rev.,148 (8): 3329–3340.

(3) Zhiting Wang*; Thorsten Warneke; Nicholas M. Deutscher; Justus Notholt; Ute Karstens; Marielle Saunois; Matthias Schneider; Ralf Sussmann; Harjinder Sembhi; David W.T. Griffith; Dave F. Pollard; Rigel Kivi; Christof Petri; Voltaire A. Velazco; Michel Ramonet; Huilin Chen, Contributions of the troposphere and stratosphere to CH4 model biases , Atmos. Chem. Phys., 2017.11. 9 , 17: 13283-13295

(4) Zhiting Wang*; Nicholas M. Deutscher; Thorsten Warneke; Justus Notholt; Bart Dils; David W.T. Griffith; Michel Ramonet; Christoph Gerbig , Retrieval of tropospheric column-averaged CH4 mole fraction by solar absorption FTIR-spectrometry using N2O as a proxy , Atmos. Meas. Tech., 2014.10.6 , 7: 3295-3305

(5) Zhiting Wang; Xianjie Cao; Lei Zhang*; Justus Notholt; Bi Zhou; Ruijin Liu; Beidou Zhang, Lidar measurement of planetary boundary layer height and comparison with microwave profiling radiometer observation , Atmos. Meas. Tech. , 2012.8.14 , 5: 1965-1972